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Monument of Courtyards’ Carers

On 30th April 2014 in the morning, a few hours to the beginning of the popular festival month in Córdoba, the Monument of Courtyards’ Carers was unveiled, a heartfelt homage from the city to the actual authors of the Festival of the Courtyards, those who make it possible thanks to their effort and dedication throughout the year.

The Festival of the Courtyards in Córdoba, apart from its relevance after having been catalogued as “Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO, or from the support by public local institutions, is a festival of the citizens and it is made thanks to them. The owners open their houses for visitors of Córdoba to enjoy and find new feelings. For this reason, we think it is fair for the city to pay them a heartful and affectionate homage. This is for you! Thanks for everything!

Although the location intended by the artist was not the first one, the neighbourhood of Alcázar Viejo, José Manuel Belmonte (1964) has been able to readapt the content to the current location, Puerta del Rincón, next to the popular neighbourhood of Santa Marina. Belmonte is a renowned contemporary sculptor, who is famous for having been the first one from Córdoba to exhibit his work in Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, among other achievements.

As Belmonte says, he has tried to represent a courtyard in Córdoba in its essence. In order to do so, he has chosen bronze to represent a young woman watering the flower pots in her courtyard using a cane tied to a tin, a traditional method which had been very frequently used in Córdoba since ancient times. This way, the highest pots could be watered without using any ladders or heavier objects.

The girl is a bit scruffy, wearing casual clothes, in a sleeveless shirt and a skirt finished in brocades. Her hair is done in a flowery bun, showing her earrings in silver filigree from Córdoba. The girl is holding the cane carefully, as it is a chore that requires concentration and skill. There is a bucket at her feet, from which she is taking the water for the plants. The numerous and dense pots cover great part of the façade, creating the necessary atmosphere.

The author mentioned the day of the presentation that it is not finished, as there are still two more figures to be made, a little girl and her grandfather. As a whole, this sculptural group will represent the present (the young woman), the past (grandfather) and the future (the young girl) of the tradition, and, therefore, of the festival.

If you wish to know the Courtyards in Córdoba do not hesitate to hire one of our guided tours. We will pay special attention to the Monument of Courtyards’ Carers. We are experts in the interpretation of the historical heritage from Córdoba. If you have chosen to do sightseeing in Córdoba, choose a high quality option, choose ArtenCórdoba.

Text: J.A.S.C.

  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba

  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
  • Monumento y homenaje a los cuidadores de los Patios de Córdoba
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