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11, San Juan de Palomares Street.

In the heart of the neighbourhood San Lorenzo, on San Juan de Palomares Street, Josefa Gómez Tirado is waiting for us, the last carer of the courtyard located on number 11, who is willing to show us one of its corners.

It was, as in many other courtyards in Córdoba, an old neighbours’ house, whose courtyard has been looked after and spoilt, in order to show its beauty and colour to visitors.

Josefa Gómez, together with her daughters, kept year after year her eagerness to make this courtyard, located on the same street as the old Chapel of San Juan de Letrán, a compulsory stop for the public. It not only has a great variety of flowers, but it also preserves one of the most significant popular architectures in the city.

The Courtyard on San Juan de Palomares Street has all the necessary and essential elements of the traditional courtyard in Córdoba, such as the classical pebbles from Córdoba, the projected roof tiles, the narrow and steep stairway that leads to the higher gallery, a washing room with a beautiful Arab washing sink, or an old well with stone parapet. There is not a single detail missing.

As for the vegetation, in the centre of the courtyard we can see an elegant palm tree, and its walls are full of geraniums, iris, carnations, crowns of thorns, fuchsias, begonias, brooms, jasmine, bougainvillaes…

It is undoubtedly one of the most awarded and recognized courtyards in the popular contest. In fact, it entered the first edition of the contest in 1933. Along its long life, it has been awarded up to 38 prizes, among which we can highlight 12 first prizes and 5 second ones, as well as getting distinctions in all the categories.

Since 2003 it has not entered the contest as its owner passed away, and it was opened again in 2010 but out of the contest. In 2011 it was closed for works and it can be visited again now. Nowadays it is the headquarters of the Association of Carers of Courtyards, Bars and Balconies “Claveles y Gitanillas” (Carnations and Geraniums).

If you are wondering what to visit in Córdoba, a good option would be the Courtyards in Córdoba, choosing one of our guided tours. This way you will learn everything about the Courtyard on 11, San Juan de Palomares Street. Choosing to do high quality sightseeing is choosing ArtenCórdoba.

Text: J.A.S.C.

  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba

  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle San Juan de Palomares, 11 - Córdoba
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