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22, Barrionuevo Street.

Barrionuevo Street is perpendicular to Agustín Moreno Street, which is the main street in the neighbourhood of Santiago, as we mentioned earlier. José Luis Muñoz and Inés, his wife, are waiting for us there, in their house on number 22.

José Luis belongs to a family of renowned artists, such as Rafael Serrano Muñoz, one of the most influential painters in the second half of the 20th century in Córdoba, or Juan Serrano, also painter and member of the famous group Equipo 57. For him, his courtyard is not only a place to share and live, but also to think, and, of course, to express.

José Luis’s artistic curiosity and his son’s are directly and indirectly reflected in the courtyard of the house, such as the fountain, which was made by them: “We used an old capital and a sculpture made for the purpose, taking his own sister as a model“.

It is an old house, restored in the 80s, like most of the houses in the neighbourhood of Santiago. However, its courtyard is not at the entrance of the house, as in most cases, but in order to get to the courtyard we need to go across the house.

The floor of the Courtyard on 22, Barrionuevo Street has two levels separated by a small front made with old bricks, with clay tiles on its higher part and special decorating tiles on its lower part. At the front we can highlight two blind pointed windows decorating it, as well as the flower pots and climbing plants we can see on all the walls, which provide with great harmony in the plants and flowers in the courtyard: sweet mock-oranges, bougainvillaes, Chinese hibiscus, geraniums, hydrangeas, pinks, fuchsias, and petunias. Besides, adding some originality, we were very attracted by the great variety of bonsais, trees that require great care, as you all know, and which can be seen in different parts of the courtyard.

At the same time, we can highlight other kinds of decoration all around the place, such as some small sculptures, a great variety of earthenware pitchers, different ceramic plates, some traditional cooking elements (coffee makers, pans…), the stoves on one side, with some logs, which give the place a more rustic aspect but making it even more beautiful.

José Luis and Inés have received numerous prizes thanks to their great dedication. “We work together very well… I usually paint and he cleans up“, tells Inés. In fact, they have been awarded the first prize on three occasions: 2000, 2006 and 2008.

If you are wondering what to do in Córdoba, we recommend you visit the Courtyards in Córdoba hiring one of our guided tours. We will dedicate there a special chapter to the Courtyard on 22, Barrionuevo Street. Choose to do high quality sightseeing with qualified staff. Do not hesitate, ArtenCórdoba is the best option.

Text: J.A.S.C.

  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba

  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
  • Patio de la Calle Barrionuevo, 22 - Córdoba
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