We leave a very traditional neighbourhood, Alcázar Viejo, but we go straight to the heart of the old Jewish Quarter in the city, to Judíos Street, the main centre of what we know today as “judería” (Jewish quarter).
We walk along the narrow and winding streets of the Jewish quarter, we walk past the monument of Maimonides, the Synagogue, the House of Sefarad… and we finally get to the Courtyard on 6, Judíos Street, where Basilia Bolaños, its kind owner, is waiting for us. Basilia tells us that the house is more than three hundred years old, and before being a house, it was a candle factory and later a hospital of Carmelite monks… “it even had a paja (old measure) of water from the canonry“, adds our host.
The current appearance of the courtyard is the result of many years of sacrifice by Basilia and her husband Antonio, who died some years ago. The couple arrived at the house, just married, in the middle of the 60s and they finally acquired the building in the 80s. It was then when they decided to remodel the house, adding current elements but leaving some older ones, such as the caliphal horseshoe arches.
We must highlight the magnificent fountain in the shape of a five-point star, located in the centre of the courtyard, topped by a cherub. The whitewashed walls are full of dark red pots, creating a clear contrast, and many flowers: hydrangeas, geraniums, pinks, bush lilies, gardenias, azaleas, aspidistras, hollyhocks… or even unique cactuses covering the columns.
In order to complete the work, Basilia arranged decorative elements around the courtyard, many of them given as presents, she tells us. “An old grinder of which not many are preserved, a sewing machine, oil lamp, earthenware pitcher, braziers of the time…“.
If you wish to know the Courtyards in Córdoba do not hesitate to hire one of our guided tours. We will pay special attention to the Courtyard on 6, Judíos Street. We are experts in the interpretation of the historical heritage from Córdoba. If you have chosen to do sightseeing in Córdoba, choose a high quality option, choose ArtenCórdoba.
Text: J.A.S.C.
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