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Entrada Triunfal (La Borriquita) – Triumphal Entry (Small Donkey)

Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus of the Kings on his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, Holy Mary of Victory and Our Lady of Palm.

Hermandad de la Borriquita (Brotherhood of the Small Donkey) was founded in 1944 in the Church of Trinidad, and it held its first station of penance on Palm Sunday 1945. It disappeared in 1957, but it was refounded in the Church of María Auxiliadoraaround 1963 with the support from Monsignor Fernández Conde, and it went out in procession again in 1965, organised by Hermandad del Prendimiento (Brotherhood of Arrest) and it liveda boom period. In 1977 it was transfered to the Parish of San Lorenzo, and it was part of Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas (Brotherhood of Remedy of Souls) until it became fully independent in 1982 and it set its own governing body.

Royal Parish of San Lorenzo Mártir (Saint Lawrence Martyr). One of the fourteen temples erected by San Fernandoin our city after the Reconquest in 1236, dedicated from the beginning to Martyr Saint Lawrence. It has been for many decades the church with more brotherhoods and, for this reason, this church is the centre of the brotherhood area between AlpargateGardens and Realejo Street.

Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes (Our Father Jesus of the Kings) – [PHOTO #1; #2; #3]
The image of Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes (Our Father Jesus of the Kings) was made by religious sculptor from Córdoba Juan Martínez Cerrillo around 1963. But it was not the first one the artist made for Hermandad de la Borriquita (Brotherhood of Small Donkey), but, a few years earlier, more specifically in 1945, Martínez Cerrillo made another Nazarene, but the brotherhood did not like its small size and they commissioned a new project.
The figure of the Lord is characterised by his perfect anatomy. His head has wavy hair and a thick beard on his face. This face shows sadness, a look lost in thought, parted mouth, and he seems to know about his future. He is raising his right hand, while he holds the bridles of the animal with his left hand.
In 1992 the brotherhood commissioned the religious sculptor from Córdoba Miguel Ángel González Jurado the remodelling of the sculpture, in order to adapt it to the yearly worships. The modifications consisted in changing feet and hands, and therefore it became an articulated mannequin, in order to be displayed riding the donkey and enthroned at the same time.

Nuestra Señora de la Palma (Our Lady of Palm) – [PHOTO #1; #2; #3]
The image of Nuestra Señora de la Palma (Our Lady of Palm) was made by religious sculptor Francisco Romero Zafra, and it was finished in 1991. This image was originally conceived to substitute the head of the Virgen del Rocío y Lágrimas (Virgin of Rocío and Tears). It was Brother Ricardo of Córdoba who, captivated by the beauty of the sculpture, spoke to the Main Brother of the brotherhood in order to acquire it so that it could go in procession in the future on Palm Sunday.
Nuestra Señora de la Palma (Our Lady of Palm) is an elegant image, with young and sad face, as we can see from her tears. She has a calm beauty, frowned brows and a low look. Her hands have long and slender fingers.

Bone-coloured tunic, Hebrew turban and red sash in the section of the Lord. Bone-coloured tunic, face-coverer and cape with red buttons and cincture in the section of the Virgin.

 Saint Lawrence’s silver Palm, from the end of the 17th century.
 Brotherhood’s banner, in red velvet and embroidery by Ángel Pareja (1991).
 Banner of Christ and Simpecado(Virgin banner) (hand canvases), by Rafael Rubio Peláez (1982).
 Regulations Book with silver cover, by María José Priego Veras (1996).
 Lanterns accompanying the Guiding Cross, by León Peñuelas (1999).


  • Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Esclvinas de la Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Representación de la Hermandad del Prendimiento en la Salida Procesional de la Hermandad de la Borriquita
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Un nazareno de la Hermandad de la Borriquita porta el estandarte conocido como 'La Inmaculada'
  • Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba

  • Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Esclvinas de la Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Representación de la Hermandad del Prendimiento en la Salida Procesional de la Hermandad de la Borriquita
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Un nazareno de la Hermandad de la Borriquita porta el estandarte conocido como 'La Inmaculada'
  • Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Palma - Hermandad de la Entrada Triunfal (Borriquita) de Córdoba
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