Pontifical, Venerable and Distinguished Franciscan Brotherhood of Nazarenes and Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus of Humility and Pacience and Our Lady of Peace and Hope.
It was founded in the Convent of Santo Ángel, of Capuchin Fathers in Córdoba, in 1940 by veterans of the Spanish Civil War. Its first procession took place on Palm Sunday 1941 with the Virgin of Peace, a work which was very appreciated by its author, and which was accompanied under the canopy by Saint John until 1960. In 1945 the Señor de la Humildad y Paciencia (Lord of Humility and Pacience) was included, and from that moment to date, it has been one of the most spectacular paces in our Holy Week, overcoming great innovations.
Convent of Santo Ángel (Padres Capuchinos).It was built in the 17th century, and it is located in the popular Capuchinos Square. Its decorative nudity is completed by the sober Baroque style inside. We can highlight the main altar, with canvases following the aesthetics of Acisclo Leal Gaete from Seville, and Franciscan iconographic models. The image of the Virgin is at the front in an alcove decorated with the technique of the embossed leather typical from Córdoba, made by Juan Martínez Cerrillo, also author of the image itself.
Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Humildad y Paciencia (Our Father Jesus of Humility and Pacience) – [PHOTO #1; #2]
In the missing Chapel of San Juan de Letrán there was an image of Christ under the name of Humildad y Paciencia (Humility and Pacience), who was sitting on a stone, in a praying attitude, like many other images with the same name. As it was impossible to acquire the image of the Lord, which was the initial idea, the Brotherhood commissioned the religious sculptor Juan Martínez Cerrillo the image of Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Humildad y Paciencia (Our Father Jesus of Humility and Pacience) in 1942.
The Christ of the Chapel of San Juan de Letrán represented the moment when Jesus, sitting, prayed the Father for those who were about to execute him, while he waited for the moment of the Crucifixion. However, Cerrillo decided to represent him standing, with his tunic almost falling, rather refering to the pillaging.
The image of the Lord is standing, with his right arm in front of him and his left one slightly at his back, as if taking off his clothes. He is slightly turning his head right, looking at the ground with his reddened eyes, as a result of the tiredness and the contained pain. His complexion is swarthy, with a not very detailed beard, crown of thorns with up to four branches that cause blood going down his neck and face. He is wearing a lamé tunic with fine gold embroidery.
The rest of the images on the pace were made by sculptor Antonio Bernal Redondo, and they were finished around1997. At the front we can see the image of the Lord; behind him there is a member of the sanhedrin who is giving him a little wine mixed with bile, while a Roman is trying to take his clothes off. At the background we can see two half-naked thieves who are going to be crucified next to Jesus, and behind them, a Roman riding a horse who commands an executioner to lift the Cross in order to start the crucifixion.
Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Esperanza (Our Lady of Peace and Hope) – [PHOTO #1; #2]
Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Esperanza (Our Lady of Peace and Hope) was the first Virgin Juan Martínez Cerrillo made for our city around 1939. Only her hace and hands are carved. Her face has a very personal style, far from the traditional models. Within a contained dramatic expression, she shows great tenderness and beauty. Her face is pale and slim, with big eyes and low look. She is slightly frowning her eyebrows in a painful gesture for her son, who is about to die on the Cross.
White tunic, white face-coverer with green cape and Franciscan cord. The important posts wear a white cape with green edges.
Guiding Cross by Sons of Juan Fernández, with accompanying lanterns by Ríos (1980).
Gilded embroidered banner by Antonio Villar (2000).
EmbroideredSenatusbanner with overlays by Joaquín Ojeda (1985).
Embroidered Virgin banner with overlays by the workshops of San Rafael, with an Immaculate in old silk. Everything was designed by Brother Ricardo of Córdoba.
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