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El Remedio de Ánimas (Remedy of Souls)

Very Humble and Old Sacramental Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Remedy of Souls and Our Lady Mother of God in her Sorrows.

It has its origin in the Cofradía de Ánimas (Brotherhood of Souls) founded in the Chapel of Nuestra Señora de las Montañas (Our Lady of the Mountains) in 1537. In 1690 Cardinal Salazar approved the new regulations of the brotherhood. Due to the expropiations in the 19th century, the life of the brotherhood languished until it almost disappeared, although the devoted still worshipped the main image of Christ. In 1949 a group of devoted gathered to restore the brotherhood and their first station of penance took place in 1951. From that first appearance, the fact that nazarenes carried viaticum lanterns instead of candles caught people’s attention. The image of Our Lady was incorporated in 1975 and in 1992 the brotherhood was included in the order of the Virgin of Carmen.

Royal Parish of San Lorenzo Mártir. The Church of San Lorenzo is erected over the side of an old mosque. It was founded by Fernando III, it is characterised by the three-arched portico, as well as the large rose window. The bells section, by Hernán Ruiz II,is erected over the old Arab minaret.

Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas (Holy Christ of the Remedy of Souls) – [PHOTO #1; #2]
The image of Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas (Holy Christ of the Remedy of Souls) is an anonymous work from the 17th century, restored in 1950 by religious sculptor Miguel del Moral.
The author wanted to represent Christ surprised by death. With simple but expressive shapes, this old-fashioned crucified, lacking any tension due to the postmortem relaxation, is brusquely turning his head right, thus leaving his natural hair fall. This hair covers the exceptional work of original hair, as in the case of the veil covering the purity cloth. His face is a clear reflexion of what has happened, unaffected, calm, asleep. His parted lips and the beard and moustache are very well carved. At the feet, there is a skull and two crossed shinbones, symbols of death.
The Cross is tree-like and it is the original one, it has the “titulum” in gilded wood framed by a small cartouche. From the upper part of the Cross, the veil of darkness falls, as a memory of the darkness that took over the Earth from 6 to 9. On the veil we can see the stars, the Sun on the right and the Moon on the left.

Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas (Our Lady Mother of God in her Sorrows) – [PHOTO #1; #2]
The image of Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas (Our Lady Mother of God in her Sorrows) is, like the previous case, an anonymous work from the 17th century. It was acquired in the nearby town of Écija by the brotherhood in 1975, when Miguel Arjona restored it.
It is a bust image which only has its face and hands carved. Her face, overwhelmed by pain, has her eyebrows frowned and her lips parted.
Along with the Christ, they are the only two paces on wheels in our Holy Week, something members of the brotherhoods in Córdoba like, as its procession does not contrast at all with the idiosyncrasy of the brotherhood.

Black tunic and face-coverer, scapular and hemp shoes.

 Guiding Cross, anonymous and undated.
 Christ’s banner (1992) with old embroidery by Antonio Castelló and painted by Rafael Medina.
 Crowned skull, symbol of the death in the world until Christ’s redemption, with a pure silver crown from the 18th century.
 Regulations Book, containing the regulations from 1690, with old silversmithing over red velvet.
 Sacramental banner (1987) embroidered in gold by Antonio Castelló.
 Canopy of Respect, behind the pace of the Lord, with old gilded embroidery from 1956.
 Black damask flag in a mourning sign.
 Veronica’s cloth (1998) by Miguel del Moral.
 Virgin banner, with old gilded embroidery by Filipenses and painting by Rafael Medina.


  • Los titulares de la Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en su Capilla de la Iglesia de San Lorenzo en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nazarenos de la Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Los titulares de la Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en su Capilla de la Iglesia de San Lorenzo en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nazarenos de la Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba

  • Los titulares de la Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en su Capilla de la Iglesia de San Lorenzo en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nazarenos de la Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Los titulares de la Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en su Capilla de la Iglesia de San Lorenzo en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nazarenos de la Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Santísimo Cristo del Remedio de Ánimas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora Madre de Dios en sus Tristezas - Hermandad del Remedio de Ánimas en Córdoba
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