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El Resucitado (The Resurrected)

Royal and Distinguished Brotherhood of Our Resurrected Lord and Holy Mary Queen of Our Happiness.

There is evidence from the end of the 16th century in the Parish of Santa Marina, although there were moments of splendour and decline in its history until it disappeared in the 19th century. It was refounded in 1927, and it became the own brotherhood of the neighbourhood of Santa Marina.

Parish of Santa Marina de Aguas Santas. One of the fourteen royal foundations by Fernando III after the Reconquest of the city in 1236. It was probably built over a previous one, and it was at this moment when it was recovered and became the centre of the neighbourhood with the same name. The passage of time and the historical events closely linked the neighbourhood and the church itself with the world of bullfighting, as many important bullfighters were baptised here.

Nuestro Señor Resucitado (Our Resurrected Lord) – [PHOTO #1; #2]
The image of Nuestro Señor Resucitado (Our Resurrected Lord) was made by sculptor from Seville Juan Manuel Miñarro López around 1988.
The Lord is presented standing, with very marked anatomical features. He is raising his right hand, while he holds the “Triumphant Cross” with his left one. His face, with an arrogant gesture, delves into the idea of his divinity. The treatment of his hair and beard is correct. His marked and blushed cheeks stand out.
Nowadays, the Lord goes on procession accompanied by two Romans and an angel, all of them made by sculptor from Córdoba Antonio Bernal. The Romans are terrified by seeing the image of Jesús Resucitado (Resurrected Jesus), they cannot believe what they are seeing. They are represented wearing a breastplate, short skirt and helmet, with luxurious white feathers. The angel is the most recent image, and its first station of penance took place in 2006. He is facing the people, in front of the Lord, and pointing at him with both hands.

María Santísima Reina de Nuestra Alegría (Holy Mary Queen of Our Happiness) – [PHOTO #1; #2]
The image of Nuestra Señora de la Alegría (Our Lady of Happiness) was made by religious sculptor from Córdoba Juan Martínez Cerrillo in 1951.
Only her hands and face are carved, and it is an image to be dressed. Her face is bursting with happiness and enthusiasm. Her features are long, with a dimple on her chin, and her blushed cheeks do not have any tears. Among her characteristis, her look is low, with wide open eyes, slightly curved eyebrows and sharp nose.
The image has been restored on several occasions due to its state of conservation, such as the one carried out by its author, who altered the polychromy and the features of her face, or the one carried out by Miñarro in 1993, who gave it back its original polychromy.

White tunic, ivory-coloured face-coverer, turquoise cincture and white satin cape with blue border for the important posts.

 Nickel silver Guiding Cross by José Jiménez (1992).
 Lanterns by Villareal (1994), as well as the horns, the censers and the incense boxes.
 Banner made in ivory-coloured velvet, embroidered in gold and silks by the Adoring Mothers, and oil painting by Manuel Murillo López (1998).
 Regulations Book with embroidery by Francisco Pérez Artés according to a design by Rafael de Rueda (1992).


  • Titulares de la Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestro Señor Resucitado - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestro Señor Resucitado - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Cruz de Guía de la Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Estandarte del Señor de la Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestro Señor Resucitado - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestro Señor Resucitado - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Soldado Romano - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestro Señor Resucitado y el Ángel - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Alegría - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Alegría - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nazareno de la Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Estandarte de la Virgen de la Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Alegría - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Alegría - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Alegría - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba

  • Titulares de la Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestro Señor Resucitado - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestro Señor Resucitado - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Cruz de Guía de la Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Estandarte del Señor de la Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestro Señor Resucitado - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestro Señor Resucitado - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Soldado Romano - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestro Señor Resucitado y el Ángel - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Alegría - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Alegría - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nazareno de la Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Estandarte de la Virgen de la Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Alegría - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Alegría - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
  • Nuestra Señora de la Alegría - Hermandad del Resucitado en Córdoba
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