Sales Packages in Cordoba
Book multiple visits and save
Sales Packages to visit Cordoba… Save and enjoy!
Choose one of the 5 packs offered in this section and book your place. We will contact you later to confirm the dates.
Sale Package “Cordoba World Heritage”
5 / 5
Save 8€
Save 8€
70 €
Sale Package “Monumental Cordoba”
5 / 5
Saves a 10%
Saves a 10%
60 €
Sale Package “Patios of Cordoba”
5 / 5
Saves a 10%
Saves a 10%
60 €
Sale Package “At your pace”
5 / 5
Save 8€
Save 8€
55 €
Sale Package “Cordoba Essential”
5 / 5
Save 8€
Save 8€
55 €
All the information about the monuments you will visit in your Sale Package… in just one click!
If you want more information about the monuments of Cordoba, before doing the guided tours that contain the different Sale Packages, here you have the most complete guide, written by the tour guides and historians of our team.
Over 2.000 items!