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Courtyard of the Columns

The Courtyard of the Columns was the last one to be added to the palace as it was bought by the bank Cajasur in 1983. It is conceived as a place to celebrate all kinds of events. Throughout these years, they have celebrated musicals, plays, poetry readings, exhibitions, the festival of the Crosses in May, public launchings…

It has a rectangular floor and borders on one of its longer sides with Rejas de Don Gome Street. In the centre there is a small fountain from which two pools start dividing the courtyard in two identical parts which, in turn, have two more fountains.

Four columns with plain shafts hold a small lintelled arcade, located on one of the shorter sides of the courtyard, the one facing Zarco Street, and whose supported elements are all made in wood. One of the side walls, more specifically the one on the right, is decorated with numerous pots simulating the decoration of a typical courtyard from Córdoba, where geraniums abound.

The other arcade gallery, facing the Garden, is presented to the outside through round bricked arches over columns with plain shaft and Tuscan capital.

The ground, like other courtyards of Viana Palace, is covered by the typical small stones from Córdoba, decorated with black lineal motifs over white background. On each square, marked by flat bricks, there is a new square, parting its central angles on each of their side, thus forming four new triangles identically decorated.

As for the vegetation in this courtyard, we should not talk too much, as it is still going through an adaptation process. However, we should mention that it is perfectly decorated with pots surrounding the pools, and other kinds of jugs.

If you wish to know the Courtyard of the Columns of Viana Palace, do not hesitate to hire one of our guided tours. We are experts in the interpretation of the historic heritage from Córdoba. If you have chosen to do sightseeing in Córdoba, choose a high quality option, choose ArtenCórdoba.

Blooming calendar of the main species in the Courtyard of the Columns
Night-Blooming JasmineXXXXXX

Text: J.A.S.C.

  • Entrada al Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Visión general del Patio de Columnas en el Palacio de Viana de Córdoba
  • Detalle de la galería porticada que da al jardín en el Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Detalle de soportal adintelado en el Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Visión general del Patio de Columnas en el Palacio de Viana de Córdoba
  • Visión general del Patio de Columnas en el Palacio de Viana de Córdoba
  • Detalle de una de las fuentes del Patio de Columnas en el Palacio de Viana de Córdoba
  • Detalle de la galería porticada que da al jardín en el Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Detalle de soportal adintelado en el Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Portada que da acceso a la Calle Zarco en el Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Entrada al Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Visión general del Patio de Columnas en el Palacio de Viana de Córdoba
  • Detalle de la galería porticada que da al jardín en el Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Detalle de soportal adintelado en el Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Visión general del Patio de Columnas en el Palacio de Viana de Córdoba
  • Visión general del Patio de Columnas en el Palacio de Viana de Córdoba
  • Detalle de una de las fuentes del Patio de Columnas en el Palacio de Viana de Córdoba
  • Detalle de la galería porticada que da al jardín en el Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Detalle de soportal adintelado en el Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
  • Portada que da acceso a la Calle Zarco en el Patio de Columnas del Palacio de Viana en Córdoba
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