The Official Itinerary is the itinerary which is common to all the brotherhoods in our Holy Week in Córdoba. It consists of Claudio MarceloStreet and Tendillas Square, where thousands of people from Córdoba gather in order to enjoy the processional parade easily.
Along this itinerary, there are several galleries and stalls arranged on both sides of the street, which can be rented for a reasonable price, either for a week or a day. The truth is that they have a very important mission, as they allow old people and children to see all the brotherhoods in our Holy Week confortably, without having to move around the different locations they go along, which is very attractive in our city, to be able to see the images in the narrowest places (Deanes or San Zoilo Street…), orwhen they go back to their neighbourhoods, where they receive the warmth from their residents. The galleries and stalls are equally arranged in Tendillas Square, where the “Gallery of Authorities” is, where ecclesiastical and local authorities sit, as well as other important people in our city.
The Group of Brotherhoods uses the Official Itinerary to establish a time control of all the brotherhoods that day, which is determined by the Guiding Cross of each brotherhood, both when going out and in its temple, and going in and out of the Official Itinerary itself. We can highlight here the figure of the “Hours Representative”, who is in charge of making sure that the penitential retinue of his brotherhood meets the established timetable.
As we have mentioned before, the Official Itinerary goes along Claudio MarceloStreet and Tendillas Square. However, this has not always been like this. If we went back to the 1950s, we would see a longer itinerary, which started on Calvo SoteloStreet (currently Capitulares), and went along Claudio MarceloStreet until Tendillas, but it did not finish here, like nowadays, but it continued along Gondomarand Gran Capitán Streets, and finished on GeneralísimoAvenue (today Ronda de los Tejares), where the old Civil Government was.
At the beginning of the 60s, the Official Itinerary was moved to the area around the Cathedral, like in other cities nowadays, but it was taken back to the city centre shortly afterwards, and a few slight modifications have been made.
Nowadays, there is a debate to determine if it should go back to the Cathedral, but there are numerous problems, such as the size of some paces, which are getting bigger with time, and therefore they would not be able to go along some streets in the Jewish quarter due to their being very narrow and winding. The current Official Itinerary seems to offer a middle point regarding the itinerary of the processions (the brotherhood in the neighbourhood of Naranjois the furthest one), as well as having more space for a greater audience. It would also be a big problem for further brotherhoods (Merced, Estrella, Agonía…) to get to the Cathedral. However, we would obviously love to see all of them going into the Main Temple one day.
If you wish to learn about Holy Week in Córdoba, do not hesitate to hire one of our guided tours. We are experts in the interpretation of the historical heritage from Córdoba. If you have chosen to do sightseeing in Córdoba, choose a high quality option, choose ArtenCórdoba.
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Visita Guiada Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba
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Visita Guiada Mezquita de Córdoba y Judería
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Visita Guiada Córdoba a Fondo
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Visita Guiada Medina Azahara
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