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The Inscriptions

The aim of this chapter is to reproduce the inscriptions of the Synagogue of Córdoba, which have been preserved, with the intention of being able to assess the importance of the building more completely and appropiately. 

On the southern wall, the inscriptions framing the access opening belong to verse 34, chapter 8 of the book of proverbs: “Happy is the man who listens to me, watching next to my doors every day, guarding the jambs of my entrances! Open the doors and let a just people enter, saver of loyalty!”. However, the inscriptions framing the windows are very deteriorated, although we know they correspond to Psalm 122. There were more inscriptions on this wall, but they are not preserved. 

On the eastern wall of the Synagogue of Córdobawe can highlight the ones located on the moulding that frames the whole wall, belonging to the verses from the Psalter: “I will prostrate towards your holy temple and praise your name because of your kindness and loyalty, for you have magnified your promise above your renown. One thing you have asked from Yahweh, this I intend; to live in Yahweh’s house every day of my life to enjoy Yahweh in the grace and early visit his temple“. On the righ of the arch, framed in a rectangle, there is an outstanding inscription which reads: “Sanctuary in miniature and home of the testimony which Ishap Moheb finished, son of mister Efrein Wadowa in the year seventy five. Also, come back, oh God, and hurry to rebuild Jerusalem!”.

On the northern wall, as mentioned above, there are two strips with inscriptions under the openings which crown the wall. They contain the following verses from the Psalter and Psalms: “Come, let us adore and prostrate, kneel before Yahweh, our Creator; let us enter his dwellings, let us prostrate before the footstool of his feet. Praise Yahweh, our God, and prostrate before the footstool of his feet, he is Saint. Worship Yahweh cheerfully, come into his presence with uproar. All the people you have formed will come and will prostrate before You, Yahweh, and they will glorify your name. Come, let us sing happily to Yahweh, let us laud the Rockof health“. 

Finally, from the western wall some fragments of inscriptions have been rescued. However, we will mention one about verse 4 of Song of Songs: “Just like the tower of David your neck is, built for trophies; a thousand shields hang from it, all heroes shields“. 

If you are not sure what to do in Córdoba, we recommend you visit the Synagogue hiring one of our guided tours. We will pay special attention to the inscriptions in the building. Choose to do high quality sightseeing with qualified staff. Do not hesitate, ArtenCórdoba is the best option.

Texto: J.A.S.C.

  • Muros Norte y Oeste de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Muro Sur de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Muro Norte de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Muro Este de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Detalle de las yeserías del Muro Este de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Detalle de las yeserías del Muro Oeste de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Inscripción del Muro Este de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Detalle del Muro Norte de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Detalle de las yeserías del Muro Este de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Detalle de las yeserías del Muro Este de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Muros Norte y Oeste de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Muro Sur de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Muro Norte de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Muro Este de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Detalle de las yeserías del Muro Este de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Detalle de las yeserías del Muro Oeste de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Inscripción del Muro Este de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Detalle del Muro Norte de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Detalle de las yeserías del Muro Este de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
  • Detalle de las yeserías del Muro Este de la Sala de Oración de la Sinagoga de Córdoba
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